Love As I Know It


Love is so much deeper than a musical lyric. . It is the primal source from which we all have come.

Can love be intimate? Of course, but love more than a physical desire- for often that has less to do with love and more to do with lust.

I am not here to talk you out of your desires. Often they are telling us something about ourselves; that even we, do not yet realize. Many people will deny their carnal desires- out of some loyalty to a thought or ideal about themselves.

Acknowledging a hidden sexual desire does not mean you have to or will become something/someone sordid. It only means there is a piece of you which is untapped. We can safely embrace these facets of our sexuality- even if only in a fantasy/role play; with our loving non-judgmental partner.

Love is kind, even in the wake of a storm. It is passionate- which is what drives us. It is not necessarily a thought of another person; it can be an idea or cause…which drives you. Love is completely encompassing. It is the basis of all emotions, idea and the greatest source of all creation.

Love, like our Creator, is all around, inside of, beside and beneath us. It never fails us. We, however, may develop a tainted way of embracing it. We may feel that we are owed a certain type of love; which is less about love and more about our own sense of ego.

People are not merchandise. If love isn’t given away freely, without expectation- it can become a bargaining chip.

Many women, who have endured physical and emotional abuse, may have viewed this type of controlling behavior…disguised as love.

But love knows nothing of boundaries. It is not something which can be used as a down payment.

When we use phrases like- “I will if…” or “Only if you…” we are making a claim which is not ours to make.

Love magnifies; it doesn’t dissect. If we attempt to place love under a microscope for the purpose of an attack on another’s character- it will be us who will be judged most harshly.

Love is gallant; it is valiant. Love is an untapped reserve.

Unfortunately, we tend to take a relationship, which didn’t work out and blame that on love. Truthfully speaking relationships do not fail us. We do, however, often spend too much time attempting to mold them into something they were never supposed to be.

We hold on too tightly to a leaf, as if one day, it will become the tree. We fail to see things for the blessings they are and we become angered by the reality of the situation.

Some people are supposed to be; no more than the energy that pushes us over a small speed bump. It would, perhaps, be unwise to make that person a member of your pit crew. Learn when to let go, for there is so much love, even in that decision.

Try to recall learning how to ride a bicycle for the first time. Most of us had someone we trusted pushing us along, cautiously, making certain we didn’t fall. But eventually, they loved us enough to let go. We may have been wobbly, at first, but, in time, we were able to ride freely.

Love is not binding or brash. Love is giving without regard to self. Being loving to another does not take away from who we are. If the type of love we are exhibiting for another; becomes self-destructive for us- it is not love.

When this happens, it can be more about control or neediness. We should veer away from these types of relationships.

The mindset which tells us; certain behavior will show our loved ones that we are the ones which TRULY love them. This is a full blown manipulation tactic; even if we are only manipulating ourselves.

We must be cautious when truly relating to people. Relating refers to the transfer of all types of energy. Physical energy is only one variant of this type of transfer. We MUST keep in mind that the people we share energy with, be it in touching, conversation, thoughts or other transfers, will also share our energy with others and they with us.

Love is the divine transfer of energy. It is that energy which is transferred by the heat of the sun’s rays; the water splashing across our feet and the sand sinking beneath our feet, as we walk upon the beach. That source which tilts our faces toward the sun and brings a smile to our faces.

Love is the steady beating of drums, which aligns with our own heart rhythm. Love is the sprouting of a plant; which we have watered and cared for, since the moment it was planted. It is nothing less than love; which prompts us to pull weeds away from a garden, carefully making sure it has plenty of healthy breathing room.

Love is that soft melodic voice we use when speaking to a baby or a puppy. The tone alone which is saying- I mean you no harm.

Love is expressed with empathy and compassion. It is felt in an unexpected smile.

Contradictive to what the author tell us…you can always go home, because home never leaves us. It is the ground beneath our feet. It is the foundation by which all else is constructed. What we should try and remember is that what we carry around with us- which we may have chosen- is sometimes the very thing that can do us harm.

Pain will always exist. It can live in a debilitating illness, or by chance…like when we stub our toe. Suffering, however, is optional. We may have endured great pain or injury, but we do not have to become that pain.

Instead, we could choose to carry around the wise words of a grandparent or the thoughtful words of a complete stranger. We could use our words to divide and conquer- or to gather and reap. We can burn down a forest or embrace its majestic wonder. We can huff and puff until we blow the house down, or we can mindfully breathe…allowing our lungs, body, soul and spirit to become one with the universe.

People are going to hurt us- pain is inevitable. We will have expectations of people that they will not be able to live up to; but we do not have to suffer. Our soul is resilient- it can withstand more than a human mind can wrap itself around. Pain is instantaneous; suffering can stunt growth and development. Even while reading this…feel the tension in your neck and shoulders. Notice how your jaws are tightening. Note how your brow wrinkles…while your mind tries to fight these truths. This often happens when we are holding onto our suffering.

We can choose to hold onto this: formal, stern, straight face…or not. The only we must do is to choose. Even in reading this, be mindful of your facial muscles and hands.

Is your face relaxed? Are your hands clinched or crossed across your chest? Are your jaws clinched tightly? These are typical signs that you are resisting, even the possibility of another’s ideas; even if these may help you and/or your understanding. Many of the actions/reactions mentioned can symbolize resistance or closed off behavior.

We must keep in mind: Everything that is said to us is not necessarily meant FOR us…specifically. It would be wise for us to take the valuable information- apply it to our lives and pass it on to others. All things deserve consideration, respectfully.

With that thought in mind, consideration does not mean to think of the many ways to shut down the information; but t be open to the possibility which may lead to a deeper understanding.

Be considerate of the way we receive the information. Be mindful of the “rolling of the eyes” and “smacking of the lips”; even if the other person cannot see or hear this response.

Energy is a powerful force. We must consider the idea that our energy, whether verbal or inaudible; can open our minds or close them off. When we are open to energy it may lead us to a deeper understanding of life, love and spiritual awakening.

We must take heed; being mindful and thoughtful is about love and respect- not about giving or having leverage, over another person.

When love becomes a game, it becomes dangerous. We must always remember that in a game…someone must lose. Participating in a tug of wills, only leaves one or both parties…feeling broken.

Love is respect, kindness, empathy and compassion.

When we search for love, it can mean a few things:

  1. We are seeking intimate touch or sexual contact
  2. Or, we have yet to learn that love is the essence of what we are.

Love exists without stipulation. There is no boundary, or walls so great that it can be held back or held down.

Love all things, all of the time. Love will never fail you- embrace it and share it with the world.