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I find it so odd…

We look up at the bright stars spread across a clear night sky…

Declaring the perfection of God and The Universe…

Yet look in a bathroom mirror…

Only claiming negatives

I’m too ugly

I’m too thin

I’m Too Fat

My face is too round…

The same God/Universe that created that perfect night sky…

Used that same energy in creating YOU

There are no mistakes…

Only lessons…

And how we allow them to impact us…

Is completely up to us…

Happiness should not be something we seek

BC happiness is temporary

What makes us happy will change from moment to moment

Instead of looking for something to complete us

Perhaps we should spend more time on

Loving Us…

THIS is where GOD exists

And when you can SEE that kind of LOVE internally…

Your entire outlook…

Will become more clear






The Law of Vibration

We don’t attract what we want
We can only attract what we are
This is not the Law of Attraction…
It is the Law of Vibration…
We are producing the energy around us
All opportunities…are self-inflicted
Just as the opposite is true
This doesn’t mean that if we vibrate higher
That people won’t walk away from us
That illness won’t find us…
But it does mean that the effect it has on us
Will be less heavy…
How we view life
Is how life is…to us
If we think everyone is out to get us
That love has only caused us pain
That we live a life of suffering…
We just might be right…and wrong lol
The idea that everyone is out to get us…
Clearly shows us how ego driven we are…
But it also shows us an imbalance…
Love has never caused anyone pain…
That is more about our expectation of people…
Who we sometimes feel are obligated to us.
In life there is pain
Physical, emotional, spiritual or mental…
But choosing to make that pain EVERYTHING…
THAT is suffering…
And sadly…it is also a choice
There is an imbalance which causes us to vibrate lower
Lower vibrations are like Foot Soldiers
Higher Vibrations are 9-star Generals lol
No one ever goes to the Foot Soldier to ask for military guidance…
So why is that the place we go for our overall well-being?
Once we elevate higher 2 things happen…
1. We learn that we can always elevate higher lol
2. We know when we are elevating…because we stop comparing our growth to anyone else’s
The world is not out to get us
IT is US
Choose Kindness and Empathy
Choose Compassion and Patience…

Walk Alone

Walk Alone
I almost walked past her
Literally just passed by
When in a heart beat
I heard a heavy sigh
Are you okay
I said before shutting the door
When a strong expression
Which I had seen her wear before
Came across her being
It was dark and grey
But I just couldn’t leave her
Feeling this way
It made my heart feel heavy
It made my ancestors cry
But my life changed that day
And it started with just a sigh
I knew when she said everything was okay
I knew when she claimed to be fine
That she needed a life raft
And today it would be mine
Because I recognized her pain
And what she was going through
And softly whispered to her
I’m right beside you
And tears fell like raindrops
Her heart began to melt
For once she wasn’t alone
How magnificent that felt
For even though I didn’t cause
Any of her negative vibes…
She was hurting…so I stood up
That’s what people don’t get about TRIBES
You do not belong as a member
You are not initiated or such
Its about walking beside
Those you love so much
So while her pain
May have been new to me
I chose to love her
So I was where I needed to be
In those very few moments
When I could have walked away
A seed of love was planted
And began growing that day
So hopefully when the darkness passes
And the sun kisses the frost
We can see what has grown
Not what was lost
For if we can get past this moment
The feeling of “ I Just Can’t”
I’m telling you…you will be surprised
At the LOVE you, too, can plant
It doesn’t mean the lesson is easy
It doesn’t mean we think you are weak
But Tribe is about FAMILY
And is the TRUTH of which we speak
So on days when life gets too heavy
Making it difficult to see the way
Understand there are ancestors
Watching over us today
And while it may seem like it
No matter how we were prone…
You are #9Tribe…therefore…
You never walk alone

Ain’t That A Bitch?

Ain’t That A Bitch?

Growing up I can say
That I never found offense in insults
It didn’t matter what they said
But it wasn’t because
They said something that wasn’t offensive
But mostly it made me feel sorry
Then I became a mom to a daughter…
And in that moment…
I went from unoffendable
To “Battle-ready”
I taught her the things that matter
Like how offensive the word ESKIMO is…
I had to teach her things I hadn’t been taught
Boys don’t hit you because they like you.
When people hit you…it’s because they have no self-control.
I gave her permission to say “No”.
And unfortunately…
I had to teach her about the word BITCH
Bitch is NOT another word for a female dog.
Understand that…this word was ONLY used for dogs…
As a means to INSULT women further.
It sickens me to hear women refer to one another like that…
After all…what made her a BITCH?
Strong attitude?
Bitch…is another way to tear us apart
I will not participate in the destruction
I strongly encourage the support of women
By Women…
But that really cannot happen until we
Stop the mentality which says…
We cannot celebrate others…
While celebrating ourselves.
In fact…the TRUTH is…
When we engage in negative thoughts, conversations or dialog
That reactivates negative energy…
WE have become the problem…
Stand beside HER
Link arms with hers
Support her dreams and aspirations
Watch her grow…when…
We give her patience instead of problems
We encourage her to find her voice
When we can LOVE her…


Last night, we were talking with Marsha about the development of the butterfly.

This had me thinking about how, the cycle of life is exactly like the butterfly,

Just as Marsha had suggested.

But with humans…the caterpillar stage is what happens in childhood

The larva stage is when we…fall asleep.

Not an over night rest…

But when we stop connecting and stop learning

We become bored and unchallenged.

We stop talking about our dreams

And eventually we just stop having them.

We fall off into a deep slumber.

Understand that rest is the only way the body can recharge and heal.

Rest is a necessity; so we are talking about numbing ourselves to life…

Where we never have to feel any extreme emotions.

Often, we raise our families, in that slumber…

What does that teach our kids?

How to effectively avoid, deflect, ignore and give up on life.

Generally, we will stay in this stage forever…

However, some larva beside us…are waking up…

The waking up period is as beautiful and painful as you can imagine.

It’s literally re-birth

Imagine that dark, warm, wet tunnel…

Suddenly there are unexplainable



And Freezing Cold

This is very similar,

In that when we are waking…we have to first get that

Everything we ever thought was probably a lie of some proportion

But now is not the time for blame…

Casting shadows or putting the blame on others…

Only takes away from where we should be.

We have to research and re-learn

We have to attempt to absorb the information

Setting aside any heavy tones that may have grown there…

For the understanding of the Greater Good.

I think, quite possibly, that this cycle of life

Is meant to teach us how to reconnect to ALL…

Nature and wildlife are calling to us

We feel more pulled towards crystals and natural healing

Service has become a way of life…for many.

And until we learn the lesson this cycle is sent to teach us

We will constantly experience the same energy in other people places and ideas.

Once we have elevated from this place…

First let us say…


We know it wasn’t easy

When we begin taking flight, spiritually

You will always know…

Things will come out of nowhere

And that was the case this past week…

In a period of a few days

We were remembering one of our own…

When illness hit the tribe…

And when one of our Matriarchs crossed over…

Those were power punches


But yet beautiful…

Because I have the insight to know

That life is always showing us rainbows

But it can be difficult to see them

If we are still angry about the storm that brought it

All lessons, even grief, are necessary

Our bodies are very temporary

They become weak and can no longer carry the energy of our spirit

So we know that what is called death…

Is just a continuation of another life cycle

And the only reason it is painful…

Is because we have begun to attach ourselves to the existence of others

Instead of bonding with people…

We are possessing them

Even using possessiveness as a scale

To determine how much we are loved and appreciated.

As beings, our thought process can be quite defeating

In a “putting the cart ahead of the horse”…kind of way

For instance, we spend huge amounts of time ignoring those in our lives

Just to mourn for them so deeply after they have passed

And remembering them through stories and pictures…

And while this is a beautiful sight…

How much more beautiful would this have been…

Had this much care and concern been given while they were breathing.


Once we can begin to recognize that love is not romantic gas

That we can spray to find our happily ever after…

Then we can come to the realization that love

Is not a Valentines Day Card

Red Roses

A box of chocolates

Or any other such occasion…


Love is energy…

Like our Chakras

Love energy…similar to electric energy

Must move back and forth

Love is not possession

It won’t make him/her yours…

Love is patience, with kindness

Love is compassion, with humility

Love is empathy , and balance.

All this seems like a lot…it is

But…like  the majestic Butterfly

We are also equipped to withstand the growth through evolution…

Don’t be afraid any longer


Stretch out your wings…



Do It Anyway

Grief is a funny thing
BC the same thing that made you smile 15 minutes ago
Will have you in tears
But eventually the grief becomes
One of the deepest spiritual connections that one can have
I really do miss spending time with Liss
This is a new kind of love for me
BC even though I mourned the passing of 4 grandparents
I had never experienced death
With anyone That I have loved this much
I just didn’t want to do it
I wanted to kick and scream
Curse and stomp…
But no matter what I did
She didn’t come back…
The Universe has such a way
Of telling us that it CLEARLY is not about US lol
We call that Humility
I constantly am plagued with mixed emotions about her
I get angry at her for leaving me
But I understand it was her time
And that has to be good enough
I have to know that I loved her enough
That when she left…she felt me within her
And I know it wasn’t easy for her to go
But I have to tell you…
I always feel her with me
Sometimes I see her smile in a stranger
Or someone will pass with her beautiful blue eyes
Or a scent will capture my attention…
Simply bc I have smelled it on her before
So don’t confuse my talk about her
With unresolved Grief…
I feel her energy every where
And just as she did in life…
She is still watching out for me…
Hold the ppl in your lives today
Give them a deep meaningful embrace…
Some people won’t look like they need
That transfer of energy…
Do it anyway…
Sometimes we don’t realize how broken we are
Until someone tries to pour love in to us

Enjoy your week
I Love You

Breaking Chains

9 Tribe


The most important thing
We can teach our children
Is to Know Their Own Worth
We advise our children to be good
At school
In Church
Or to be good In front of…
Police Officers
And Aunts and Uncles they have never met
But how many times do we encourage the thought that says
THEY do not give you worth
THEY should not be put in a position…
That causes US to look differently at ourselves
And yet, we still do
And as adults…
When you didn’t realize ur worth as a child
It gets confusing…
We constantly seek that pat on the back
Even from a business that only gives u a fraction
Of your worth…as you create its products
Or promote its services
We constantly seek acknowledgement
From an entertainment industry…
That finds its entertainment…
In our misery…
And we seek fairness in a government

View original post 98 more words

Breaking The Chains

The most important thing
We can teach our children
Is to Know Their Own Worth
We advise our children to be good
At school
In Church
Or to be good In front of…
Police Officers
And Aunts and Uncles they have never met
But how many times do we encourage the thought that says
THEY do not give you worth
THEY should not be put in a position…
That causes US to look differently at ourselves
And yet, we still do
And as adults…
When you didn’t realize ur worth as a child
It gets confusing…
We constantly seek that pat on the back
Even from a business that only gives u a fraction
Of your worth…as you create its products
Or promote its services
We constantly seek acknowledgement
From an entertainment industry…
That finds its entertainment…
In our misery…
And we seek fairness in a government
That does not run on the premise
Or Respect…
All this to say…
If our children can not self sustain
If they never learn that THEIR judgement
Is more important…
Than their popularity
If our children never learn the idea that
They will always be seeking something that cannot be found…
Only sought…
Bc it is the journey which teaches us the most important lessons
When we seek to be accepted…
We are doing something similar to
Looking into our own mirror
Seeking to find someone else’s reflection
Embrace Who You Are…
I Love You


Happy Birthday

For all that you taght me
On all that I know
After all this time
My love for you grows
And while tears still find me
And catch me off guard
I know you are still with me
But sometimes it’s so hard
That incredible laugh
Those amazing blue eyes…
Which pulled me into your soul
Leaving me hypnotized
I feel you all around me
In everyone that I meet
In the water I drink
In the food that I eat
You taught me to be strong
Your courage so astounding
But I’m more thankful than sad
No matter how this is sounding
I am with you forever
Our eternal bond complete
U were the most amazing being
That I would ever meet
Today I celebrate your life
In a small tribute to
My sister…my love…
Happy Birthday to youGirl-on-the-Bench-Digital-Art-HD-wallpaper



Too often the abused
Become the abusers
Carrying negatively charged energy
And releasing it on those
Who really love us
Our children
Our family
Our significant other…
Don’t just understand what we are doing
But understand that the reason it is
Rearing its ugly head
Is because we tried so diligently
To move beyond the abuse…
That we didn’t ;learn from it…
Its all a lesson…
Take a moment
During your clarified understanding today
Don’t think with emotion but logic
Why is this happening?
Remember once you know why
You can once again…
Move forward…
With clarity and reason…
You have this…