Category: life


Last night, we were talking with Marsha about the development of the butterfly.

This had me thinking about how, the cycle of life is exactly like the butterfly,

Just as Marsha had suggested.

But with humans…the caterpillar stage is what happens in childhood

The larva stage is when we…fall asleep.

Not an over night rest…

But when we stop connecting and stop learning

We become bored and unchallenged.

We stop talking about our dreams

And eventually we just stop having them.

We fall off into a deep slumber.

Understand that rest is the only way the body can recharge and heal.

Rest is a necessity; so we are talking about numbing ourselves to life…

Where we never have to feel any extreme emotions.

Often, we raise our families, in that slumber…

What does that teach our kids?

How to effectively avoid, deflect, ignore and give up on life.

Generally, we will stay in this stage forever…

However, some larva beside us…are waking up…

The waking up period is as beautiful and painful as you can imagine.

It’s literally re-birth

Imagine that dark, warm, wet tunnel…

Suddenly there are unexplainable



And Freezing Cold

This is very similar,

In that when we are waking…we have to first get that

Everything we ever thought was probably a lie of some proportion

But now is not the time for blame…

Casting shadows or putting the blame on others…

Only takes away from where we should be.

We have to research and re-learn

We have to attempt to absorb the information

Setting aside any heavy tones that may have grown there…

For the understanding of the Greater Good.

I think, quite possibly, that this cycle of life

Is meant to teach us how to reconnect to ALL…

Nature and wildlife are calling to us

We feel more pulled towards crystals and natural healing

Service has become a way of life…for many.

And until we learn the lesson this cycle is sent to teach us

We will constantly experience the same energy in other people places and ideas.

Once we have elevated from this place…

First let us say…


We know it wasn’t easy

When we begin taking flight, spiritually

You will always know…

Things will come out of nowhere

And that was the case this past week…

In a period of a few days

We were remembering one of our own…

When illness hit the tribe…

And when one of our Matriarchs crossed over…

Those were power punches


But yet beautiful…

Because I have the insight to know

That life is always showing us rainbows

But it can be difficult to see them

If we are still angry about the storm that brought it

All lessons, even grief, are necessary

Our bodies are very temporary

They become weak and can no longer carry the energy of our spirit

So we know that what is called death…

Is just a continuation of another life cycle

And the only reason it is painful…

Is because we have begun to attach ourselves to the existence of others

Instead of bonding with people…

We are possessing them

Even using possessiveness as a scale

To determine how much we are loved and appreciated.

As beings, our thought process can be quite defeating

In a “putting the cart ahead of the horse”…kind of way

For instance, we spend huge amounts of time ignoring those in our lives

Just to mourn for them so deeply after they have passed

And remembering them through stories and pictures…

And while this is a beautiful sight…

How much more beautiful would this have been…

Had this much care and concern been given while they were breathing.


Once we can begin to recognize that love is not romantic gas

That we can spray to find our happily ever after…

Then we can come to the realization that love

Is not a Valentines Day Card

Red Roses

A box of chocolates

Or any other such occasion…


Love is energy…

Like our Chakras

Love energy…similar to electric energy

Must move back and forth

Love is not possession

It won’t make him/her yours…

Love is patience, with kindness

Love is compassion, with humility

Love is empathy , and balance.

All this seems like a lot…it is

But…like  the majestic Butterfly

We are also equipped to withstand the growth through evolution…

Don’t be afraid any longer


Stretch out your wings…



Too Much

You cannot love too much
Often what we confuse for love
Is the expectation that we attach to it
I will love you as long as you do this or that
Or even worse…
I will love you until you do this or that
This,infact, is not love at all
This is possession
And a manipulation tactic that we are taught
True love…real love
Comes without strings or stipulations
It is unconditional
Of course we must all do what is in the best interest
Of our own specific paths…
So unconditional love does not mean
We will always be this or that
But it means that I love you no matter what you choose
It says you will always be good enough
From a divine point of view
Today I would implore you to begin
Yes…let’s start…
Loving ourselves unconditionally
Whether you eat that piece of cake or not
Whether you go to the gym or not
Whether you you break all your New Year Resolutions
Or Not
Just know that YOU are worth a second look
YOU are worth praise
YOU are worthy of unconditional Love
So today…understand that you cannot give anyone too much love
By doing so…it does not run your reservoir dry
You have plenty to go around
Become the love that you are seeking…
Enjoy your day family
I love you always…in All Ways


You cannot run away
We tell children this all the time
I know I was told that
It took me a long time to listen
I ran from an abuser
I ran from a cheater
I ran from a stigma that claimed
I wasn’t good enough
Too Light
Too Dark
Too thick
Too Skinny
Too Smart
Not Smart enough
I ran…
I ran from a date
A moment in time
A moment that changed my present
I ran from a memory
I ran
And ran
And ran
Until one day I realized
I took all of these things with me
My insecurities
My fear
My battered and tattered heart
Until the day when
I decided…
To be still
And be my OWN blessing
Pat my own back
Love myself…
Because until we learn that
You Alone Are Enough…
We will always be running…
From something…

Be You



Never apologize for being who you are
There will be those who will not appreciate it
There will be those who fail to understand it
There will be those who need to criticize
and That is a shame
But that is their issue
Not Yours
You can never be Too Kind
There may be people who take advantage
And that is okay, too
They are only showing you who they are
So you can figure out what you do not need in your life
You can never love too much
But there will be those who aren’t ready for love that deep
Too often we come across people
Whose souls have been broken
And they need time to absorb
The beautiful people that they were meant to become
Make no apology for who you are
And who you become…
As long as you can sleep at night
With your choices that day
You can’t ask for more
Shine on…
For there will be a balance to who you are
The Yin to your Yang
And in that…
All the speed bumps in your life
Will be well worth it…
Be Love…

The Hardest Things

The Hardest Things


I think one of the hardest things that I ever have done; was to share my real life with you. It can be a frightening thing…to be who you really are…with people you don’t really know.

And truthfully, I have no way to know who will try and cause me harm. But what I do know is this…it is worth the risk. Reaching out to each and every one of you, is worth the risk that I may be wrong.

The most important lesson I have ever learned…is that it is better to love…always. For when your soul, your being, is filled with love…there is no way to lose.

You all have supported and loved me…as long as I have been writing here. And today I wanted to share something new.

Today I have no stitches in need of healing, no tubes coming out of my body, I am no longer using a walker, I am not reaching for a pain pill…today is what made all those days…worthwhile. Days like today…are my reason for waking up every day. And I wanted to share this drama free day with you…so you will know…there is always hope.

I was diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, and Lupus. I have suffered 4 strokes and multiple mini strokes or TIA’s. I have been placed on life support….with my doctors telling my family that after 2 months in a coma…there was no hope of a recovery. YET….I am still here. If I can beat unspeakable odds…can’t we all? Can’t we all be that smile which lights up the universe? Can’t we all give our children our hopes and dreams…without splashing water on their flames?

Never give up on life; it hasn’t given up on you. Sometimes what happens is so simple…we have our own ideas about what life should be about and what we want for ourselves. I ask this of you, allow the energy to guide you. We, often, get so wrapped up in what we want for ourselves…that we do not consider what the universe wants for us.

Don’t be disappointed when life turns out slightly different than what you had planned on. Instead, embrace all of your struggles and challenges. I know some of them are more difficult than others, but know that you still have what it takes to WIN!!

Today I am thankful for all of my medical woes from November 2014…because today…I have no fever, only slight pain, and I am not having to do any superficial healing. I only say this, because our bodies, souls, our hearts are always healing. For all the pain that I have known since last fall, today I am thankful.

I am thankful for all that you all are and all those that you reach out to. I am thankful for my first and last breath of the day. I am thankful to have a most supportive family…and such a beautiful collection of wonderful friends…which we consider family.

As you are closing out your week, give thanks for the unexpected smile you came across …and shine that light upon someone else. While sharing with others can seem to be the hardest thing in the world to do…I promise…it is worth the effort.


I love you

Embrace All Things

Embrace All Things


When I was diagnosed with Lupus, SLE, my entire world changed. This disease affects everyone differently…this is how it affected me.


The sun seemed to shine brighter.

The stars sparkled like diamonds.

The feathers on the birds in my neighborhood seemed more vibrant.

The sound of children’s laughter, in the park, made me laugh til I cried.

I held my family closer.

I said I love you…all the time.


During a time when no one would have said that I was wrong…to be bitter and angry; I selected a different path. I chose to take this circumstance and allow it to make me more aware of my surroundings. This devastating illness was trying to steal my life…and I knew that even if it won…my livelihood would be non-existent. I was determined not to fail. And in that moment I decided to start appreciating the little things and make Lupus have to fight for this body of mine.

We all get to choose how we live. Are we stopping to smell the flowers along the way? Are we mindful of our journey or are we just concentrating on the destination? Once my eyes were open to this beautiful world; I realized that I had been sleep walking through life. I had a new appreciation for this world. I felt like I had been given a huge gift…and I wasn’t going to waste a moment of it. I began smelling those flowers and praising the bees that help those flowers grow. I began singing in rain showers and even when a thunderstorm erupted….I praised that, as well; embracing the colors and sounds of the lightning and thunder.

In all of our lives we are faced with struggles, no matter how large or small they may be; be it grief, illness, homelessness, poverty or divorce. These are what I call “eye openers”. And the truth that I learned is this: What opens your eyes is less important than the fact that now your eyes are wide open.

We can now see more clearly. We can take the time to reclaim the joy that was always meant for us…in this life. But we must first try and let go of the circumstances or situations that brought us here. When we hold onto pain, such as this, we are holding ourselves back from victory.

The most difficult lesson we may ever learn is to be thankful and loving in all situations.

Remember we are not part of the bigger picture…we are the bigger picture. This is not referring to the ego…but to the ALL of everything. This prevents us from placing ourselves above or under anyone or anything else; because we are walking through this life together.

Once we begin to recognize that we are not part of the universe…but we ARE the universe; we will see life differently. Life doesn’t happen TO us…it happens WITH us. If we can allow ourselves to find joy in all circumstances, then we can find our truer purpose in life.

I could easily be angry with Lupus. I could cry all the time; as the pain I live with is often unbearable, but I bear it. This illness and several other obstacles have since tried to derail me; but I continue being thankful. I have learned to embrace all things.


It Really Matters

It Really Matters


Love is never wrong

Love is seldom right

It just is…like the air we breathe. It exists… Love surrounds us, always. And like the air we breathe in and out; we will always breathe it in…we cannot live without it. Think about that for a minute.

If we were to decide we are never going to BREATHE again…like we often do with the concept of love…we would be rendered unconscious. Our body needs air…our soul needs love…and not just the romantic love…but all-ness. Loving all things…all of the time. Every single person, every blade of grass was created with this in mind. None matter more or less, to our Source. We, as humans, may have developed an “I” mind state. This is important to me…or that isn’t important. These judgments take us away from our core…or All-ness.

No measure of how much, or enough; no counting minutes and hours, as if there is a dead line. Notice how we never see an animal worried about time or space. We never experience nervous anxiety from animals, no staring at a clock…or even the sun….as it would be a natural keeper of time. Humans are the only beings in creation that creates its own stressors…making time or lost time a part of those stressors.

Love teaches us that memories, not moments are the true gems in life. We must set aside our pre-conceived notions about who and what love is. We rarely ponder what air REALLY is, except to think about keeping it clean, so that we can survive. Love is very similar. It does not require a lot of thought…for love simply is. Like air, however, we must keep it clean and pure. Again, we are talking about All-Ness…not simply intimate love or lust.

Love becomes so many things, the number is infinite. Love restores our soul, gives us back our esteem, teaches, preaches, accepts, and wraps itself up in all things…large and small.

It teaches us gratitude. Being gracious helps elevate us to our next destination, in life. Being thankful tells us that time has no use here. The minutes hours and days of space don’t matter as much as the inhaling and exhaling of our Creator’s love. The movement of the hands on a watch or the shade given from a sundial…is pale by comparison.

We must learn to be mindful in our speech and actions. Stay connected to your soul, by being aware of where your mind goes, when you are day dreaming. Stay awake, in this life. Do not allow tragedies and things that hurt our eyes and hearts; to keep us from reaching out to one another. When this cycle starts it is very difficult to stop it. When we turn off our inner light, because something was difficult to our senses…our soul starts dying…our light doused with water. It is, in fact, these difficult things that awaken us. These experiences allow our spirit to be re-kindled. These times are intended to splash cold water on our faces…take advantage of that opportunity.

Participate in your own life; and know that your life touches others, as well. You can be that torch that leads the way, or you can choose to go cold. Too many of us spend our days sleep walking and when we start waking up…it frightens us and we then desire sleep again. We must be mindful of ourselves and our minds. And when we feel our inner self traveling to the past…we must find a way to come back into what is now. The past should only be used as a learning tool. It’s okay to think about it…but remember that no matter how much thought you give it…it will never change.

Our souls mourn for the dead who still breathe; once love has been stricken from us…we die. We must participate in our own lives. We have a duty to uphold what our ancestors have created for us. We must respect and honor that rite of passage…and when that happens…real change will begin. Let us only hold onto the things that matter…here and now…air, love, life and a pure soul are all that really matter.


The Best Man

The Best Man

If you can not imagine it forever
Do not lay beside her now
If you really do love her
Wait…love her out loud

Babies are true blessings
Not mistakes to be made
Walk away before conception
If you don’t love her enough to stay

Don’t allow a night of passion
Become the worst night in your life
When you thought of her as a thing
Not material for a wife

Respect her with your actions
Respect her with your tongue
She is somebody’s little girl
Not a prize to be won

Too young to be called Daddy
Then stop trying to play house
Make the decision of a man
Not the sounds of a mouse

Think before you act

For promises our bodies make

Can hide intentions of your ego

Fragile hearts begin to break

So don’t be all talk about
The man that you can be
Because when you walk out
You become a parody

A joke within the family
A boy in men’s clothing
A father who didn’t care
An object of loathing

So tonight before the sweet talk
Take a long look ahead
Make sure it’s really love
Not something lustful instead

Give your life a second glance
Develop a success theory
Make a future full of hope
Not one which is too dreary

Be the man you really are
Make babies when you’re grown
So when your child speaks of you
Your the best man they’ve ever known