Tag Archive: postaday

The Cafe

The Cafe

I was sitting quietly

 In a small café

Nothing too fancy

Just out of the way

An older woman sat

Across all alone

Along came a man…

Give me all that you own

The woman was unshaken

And softly smiled

How are you child…

Sit down a while

This angered the stranger

He had a menacing frown

Give me your money

I don’t want to sit down

I will give you all I have

She went on to say

But it won’t change

What led you here today

I know your path has been troubled

You’ve come so far

But listen to my child…

Because I see who you are

I don’t see your money or home

Those things can vary

I see a life made from love

Even if you are wary

I see the little boy

Who still holds out hope

That the troubled man…

On the unsteady slope

Will become the angel

That he was meant to be

It wasn’t chance son…

That brought you to me

Your whole life was planned

To the very last letter

The message I have for you…

May make things better

For any other person

You may have selected

May have given up

Or worse than you expected

But I, dear child,

I see you deeply

One with a good heart…

Who loves uniquely

I see the child in your soul

Crying for relief

I see the beauty in your eyes…

So far from a thief

Sit down my son…

Let me buy you a meal

What I am giving…

You could never steal

I am giving you your freedom

I am handing you your soul

I am feeding a broken heart…

And a life yet untold

I watched his hardened face soften…

A tear I wiped away

When the woman at the table

Spared his soul that day

I watched intently,

As she touched his hand so smooth

And by the end of her meal …

I saw him too

I saw the life filled with obstacles

And tears by the mile

A loving face he had….

Hidden away for a while

But by the time they both left the place

One thing I can decree

IN him she saw GOD…

Just as she saw it in me

Bless the woman for this lesson…

May we all again learn

That from which we came…

We most certainly shall return

What If

What If


Most of us were raised to be just like everyone else. We have been taught what to think, how to dress, how to respond to others and to not speak until spoken to.

But What If…

What if we dared to think outside of the box?

What if we chose the path less travelled?

What if we asked why or why not?

What if we found a way to exceed, even what our dreams are for ourselves?

What then?

WE get to choose what road we take; be responsible for it.

Why do we choose silence over action?

Does action always have to be violent?

What if we taught our children to embrace the uniqueness, which is them?

What if we taught our children, through example, to appreciate the things that make us all different…yet the same?

What if the way to end war…was in a single drop of water?

What if we realized the most beautiful beaches…started with a drop of water and a grain of sand?

What if we stopped behaving like ants…and began seeking our own way, in spite of controversy?

What if we started shining and stopped covering up our light?

What if we had no boundaries holding us back?


What if we ended hate, by acting, reacting, and responding with pure unwavering love?

What if we found God in everything?

What if we realized that every day…we could make a difference?

What if we embraced every dream?

What if we made the hurting stop…not through retaliation…but with the heart of a child, who thinks anything is possible?

What if we realized that we are more powerful with a single “I Love You”, than with all weapons of mass destruction?

What if you realized that all that you see in me…is a mere reflection of yourself?

What if we decided to smile…and watched that smile cultivate in the hearts of our brothers?

What if we became the change we seek in others?

What if we weighed our words more heavily than our pockets?

What if we reached out instead of walking away?

What if we tried a little kindness?

What if we recognized ourselves in others…and smiled?

What if we did…without expectation?

What if we dared to dream and allowed others to do the same?

What if we REALLY loved one another?

Yes…What If…


Burying Love

Burying Love

I watched a little boy today

He was sad within his eyes

Too often I had seen it before

Yes this pain can’t be disguised

His nine year old sister

Bullied with cruel words of hate

And on some level

I think we all can relate

He wrote a letter to Santa

Said God is too busy…I cried

You could see determination in him

With the depth of his sigh

He loved his sister so deeply

Her pain was his too

How we tend to justify

The evils that we do

The mother she whispered

With tears in her eyes

Her daughter said

Sometimes…I just want to die

They called her fat and dumb

Hideous was the word they used

That brought me here now

Why I am talking to you

Children are becoming assailants

Their weapon a sharp tongue

Those helpless victims

Are also our young

They aren’t weak or less

They aren’t bull’s eye targets

But they may be a “Too Soon” grave

If somehow we don’t stop it

Use caution in your speech

As if ONE higher is standing there

We must first check our hearts

Are they still there?

We are better than this

Better than what we have seen

What happened to guarding our sisters

Remember she is a Queen

Children are dying

Giving up hope

Don’t say suicide is wrong

And hand them a rope

Don’t say be nice to all

Then talk poorly of others

Bullying is taught

By father’s and mother’s

This is not what God wants for us

This is not a path of reason

Humanity must start now

It is never out of season

Bullies aren’t stealing lunch money

They aren’t sticking out a tongue

They are threatening and disturbing

The peace of our young

If we start today

Look a little longer at your reflection

See the beauty of God

Upon further inspection

For we came from a Great Source

And Greatness is what shall be

But what you want for yourself

You should also want for me

For I am…You are…We are

Descendants of Pure Light

We let things go wrong

But can also make them right

Teach love by being love

In everything you do and say

And maybe…I hope

We won’t bury a love today



In my silent time today

Where I talk with my Source

I asked are we all loved

The response was yes, of course

Then I pondered for a moment

If that is truly the case

When did we create the lie

When did we fall off base

When did we decide that we

Could treat another so bad

What gives us the authority

To make others feel so sad

Why must we tear apart

The hopes and dreams others create

That…I heard intently

Is a lifelong debate

Mankind did not seek permission

From any higher power when

He decided to enslave and maim

Starting way back then

No one sought enlightenment

When evil came to mind

For that wrong which was done

Does not begin from the divine

For to hold back or desecrate

A man or group of the like

Is similar to searching for sunrise

But only during the night

It’s as backwards as

Placing horse behind a cart

Like playing make believe

With a most fragile heart

The problem worsens said my Source

When we make no moves to the latter

When my children have forgotten

All that really does matter

Like a smile out of nowhere

Rain making plants grow

Loving our fellow man

Allowing that love to show

We can hardly see the light

When the homeless are blamed

For our inability to reach out

Like Creation’s going insane

But if we do not wake up soon

The world will continue to create

The problems it has bred

Just more evil choices we’ll make

Learn to love immediately

For the seed of God runs deep

And the cost of sin is higher

Than any grudge we keep

Reach out for one another

Remember it may be only one hand

But like the great earthly beaches

It all started with a grain of sand

Create a chain of understanding

A tie that binds from your core

Show the love of your ancestors

And that of theirs before

So in your moments of silence

When our Creator touches you deep

Remember it’s not what you say

But the promises you should keep





How can you feel so far

Yet be so close to me too

Millions of people around me

Yet all seem to be you

My tears find me suddenly

Unwarranted and yet still with a cause

Giving me a reason to take a breath

The whole world seems to pause

That contagious laughter

I swear I heard today on the street

That unmistakable smile

That made life seem more sweet

The way you saw life

So wise wrapped up in a life so tender

How can my heart feel empty…yet more full

Than an explanation can render

So today and everyday

Since your first breath of light

Even my pain comes with GREAT love

From a star shining so bright

May we never forget

How a life so brief

Could touch so many souls

Giving us a moment of relief

While we miss you daily

Especially on days like today

Oh…how we envy those angels

Who lifted you away

So when you are gazing down upon us

Send us healing and loving Grace

Reminding us of all we are supposed to be

In this temporary place

So when I fall off my path

Just nudge on my heart

Where you have always lived

From the very start

I loved you then

I love you forever

No matter how or when

Thanks for helping me remember



Not About sexual orientation

Not about race

Not about religion

Or other sacred place

Not about location

Not about country or land

Not about politics or other

Ignorance we don’t understand

NO matter what we disguise it as

No matter what name we shout

Let me tell you…about HATE

How it comes about

We separate ourselves from others

We shake our indifferent fist

Disregarding all but us

Hating that THEY…even exist

THEY aren’t like us after all

THEY don’t speak like WE do

THEY pray funny…hey

YOU would hate THEM too

THEIR skin is too light

Or sometimes it is too dark

THEY live where evil grows

The apartments by the park

THEY don’t make good decisions

THEY sell drugs…THEY must



THEY got what THEY deserved

THEY are less than WE

THEIR hair is ugly…accents show US


These are the lies we teach

And often are told

But be aware now and always

This is how souls…they are sold

YOU are no better

In fact the judgment you render

Is all that GOD hates

Breaking hearts that are so tender

THEY my friend you see

Are all that YOU are

This is what GOD wanted?

You’ve veered away too far

Seek yourself in others

For the greatness which selected you

Chose the others you wage against

For THEY are greatness too

Instead of finding reasons

To point fingers and raise arms

Lift your hearts and souls

HATE always causes harm

Throw away your labels

Rid yourself of anger

It’s YOU not THEM

Whose salvation in in danger

Embrace one and all

No hate…make amends

For at a Creator’s Glance

WE…actually are THEM

I Have Something To Say

I Have Something To Say

I was hurt yesterday by something that I saw. It broke my heart and ruined my entire day. Today, however, is a new day…and I have something to say.

Sitting quietly, cautiously, careful to not cause ripples in the water…does not contribute to peace. Still water grows stagnate; disease grows there. We must make waves. Waves washing against the rocks will smooth the rough edges. Waves wash away the old and bring in the new. The movement of water is a necessity of life. Our bodies and this world are comprised mostly of water. Water and the frequency it is motivated by can tame the savage beast.

Gandhi, a man of peace, didn’t not sit by and do nothing. He took a stand. Even in Gandhi’s way; he said NO MORE. Gandhi did not emulate still water, but the water of change.

Peace is imperative, but it cannot be achieved by sitting quietly and screaming, in silence. If there are riots all around you and you sit quietly…what did you contribute to? Being idle…can be complacent. You may not be brandishing a firearm; but NOT TO CHOOSE…is to choose.

It is our responsibility to stand up and speak out. When we fail to do this, because we don’t want people to look at us harshly…we are thinking only with our ego. Our ego gives us a false sense of security. We are supposed to maintain this Creation. To sit by and say nothing when your heart screams to do something is similar to; being given a potted plant to take care of for a month. You have the plant and you can clearly see that it needs water, and everything inside you tells you to water it. However, you decide to just watch the plant, as it withers away. We are given the responsibility of maintaining this beautiful gift of Creation. We are supposed to love it, nurture it and treat it with gentle care.

My daughter cried when the hurricane destroyed trees in our neighborhood a few years ago. She lost sleep. It literally broke her heart. What she found more disconcerting however was the fact that people made remarks similar to “it is just a tree; there are more trees that can take its place.” My daughter, my child understood this one truth …every man, woman, child, and blade of grass is accounted for. There is no one greater or of more value on this earth…than anyone else. One is not more important than the other and to think that is not true…is “The Greatness Fallacy”.


In The Blink of An Eye

In The Blink of An Eye

As most of you know; my sister passed away about two years ago. The grief which that caused has, at times, bore deeply on my soul. I want to thank all of you for being so kind and supportive of my struggle. How do we overcome such a loss? Well, I did the only thing that I knew how to do…write. I wanted to share the introduction of my new book with you…please let me know what you think about it. As always…I wish you much Light and Love!!



I wanted to think that no one in the world could miss her; as much as I did. I wanted to feel offended by her death. I wanted to wrap up my grief, frustration and anger; over my sister’s death, and never think about it again. There was nothing anyone could tell me; and mostly they never attempted to tell me anything…about her or how I was handling her death. I had difficulty in most daily activities.

I didn’t want to get out of bed. I was disheartened by people whose lives seem to keep going. I didn’t understand why, even the world, seemed to keep spinning. There was pain, in simply, hearing her name. I couldn’t even think of that day in January without crying. What had become worse…I had tried to hide the pain. I was destroying myself with the thought that I wasn’t strong enough to live without her. But in a moment of love; someone whom I loved, came to me with an act of kindness.

She lovingly pointed out to me that my sister’s death did not happen to ME. She said I was experiencing the loss, yes, but my sister died…I didn’t. She may have never understood the light bulb that came on, in my soul that day.

At that moment, I understood, my feelings of anger came from one place…the thought…no…the FACT…that I had to go on living. And I had to go on living…without Melissa. I had to figure out a way to WANT to get out of bed. I had to devise a plan that would help me survive this horrific loss. I had to admit my pain…own it.

I went through so many cycles of grief it was ridiculous; and then I went through them again.

This precious thing we call life…is temporary. We must remember to make the most of it. In this book, you will find the raw emotions of my journey.  I loved my sister and in a single moment…In the Blink of an Eye…she was gone.


“In The Blink of An Eye” is currently available in paperback on our website

Love Drops

Love Drops

I got the news today

A Lupus Warrior gone home

But she left her footprints

Showing…we are never alone

Tears filled my eyes

My heart it grew heavy

But like most Angels

HE called…she was ready

She walked those glorious stairs

She was relieved from her pain

She found her beautiful smile

Never to leave her again

Lupus may think that it won

That it did her great harm

But the truth is she

Is wrapped in HIS loving arms

We will miss you sweet Angel

But we smile in the KNOW

You are with a Creator

Who always loved you so

So if you catch our tears falling

Realize our connection never stops

It’s not crying we are doing

But sharing God’s LOVE DROPS

**A Lupus Warrior went HOME today…Where only the brightest lights belong**


Waiting For You

Waiting For You

There is a defining lesson

Still here to be had

And if you find the patience

Without getting mad

I will share with you a truth

That no one can deny

The supremacy of racial hues

THAT is a lie

So they say you are too dark

No matter who you are within

It hurt and caused feelings

This judgment of your skin

I understand the emotions

I get where it hangs out

But let me tell what has happened

Without a single doubt

This talking that’s going on

About the lighter version of you

Is a manipulation tactic

This talk of “better” hue

When they get you to attack

Another who is lighter

They have caused a dimming

Of a soul that was brighter

It’s like when you were a child

They threw rocks at your esteem

Causing you to feel animosity

Toward other human beings

So when you talk down upon

Another walking breathing love

You are missing the reason

You were sent from above

You have cried many tears

Over this I am too dark problem

But the tables have turned and

YOU now have become them

Hating and conspiring

Loathing and attacking

Be careful my loves

Cards against you are stacking

There is NO greater race

No tint of skin greater

WE all came from ONE

Most loving Creator

If we hold onto that truth

Release the evil ideal

Holding on to HIS love

THAT…is for real

We are who we should be

Beauty is not with our skin

Like the value of a book

It’s found…within

SO the next time your mouth

Speaks louder than your heart

Remember it is these thoughts

That tear humanity apart

Smile beautiful angel

They know not what they do

Be the Queen of all Queens

They are waiting for you